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This anthology would not have been necessary if the information, perspectives and personal experiences responding to transgender politics were not being censored, silenced, or suppressed in popular media and gender identity politics. This campaign is an entirely grassroots supported effort to promote critical thinking, respectful dialogue, and to inspire the public to think more deeply about how gender identity and biologically based politics are playing out in the personal and public sphere. We assert our right to freely discuss both/and solutions that can provide safety for both transgender individuals and assure that same safety for everyone else. 

The intention of the FEMALE ERASURE anthology, Facebook page and website, are to stimulate, educate, and promote respectful discussion. Not all the views that participate in these formats are in accord with the views of the publisher.  Individual contributors to these formats are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of their views, opinions, and positions.

Female Erasure

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©2019, Tidal Time Publishing LLC 

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

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